Who Are You?
Entry by: vinita18
1st December 2014
Silk of Hunger
A leaf that opens, shines
fades and falls away.
Sunshine through a crack.
A season in which
shadows engulf
the calendar.
The flowering tree.
The bench in the park.
The missing piece...
A window pane
glinting in the moonlight
in the quiet hours of pre dawn
A handwritten page
smudged with longings.
A language not fully understood.
The writing on the wall.
The shattered hourglass.
The point of no return.
The silk of hunger
The hunger for silk
Kissed thorns.
Pulse that knows no troughs
Vein that knows the crest of blue.
My last skin.
My earth
My hearth
My sky
Who are you...
A leaf that opens, shines
fades and falls away.
Sunshine through a crack.
A season in which
shadows engulf
the calendar.
The flowering tree.
The bench in the park.
The missing piece...
A window pane
glinting in the moonlight
in the quiet hours of pre dawn
A handwritten page
smudged with longings.
A language not fully understood.
The writing on the wall.
The shattered hourglass.
The point of no return.
The silk of hunger
The hunger for silk
Kissed thorns.
Pulse that knows no troughs
Vein that knows the crest of blue.
My last skin.
My earth
My hearth
My sky
Who are you...