I Believe In

Entry by: Kim

1st April 2016
I believe in
Fairies at the bottom of the garden,
dreams before they begin to harden,
Santa claus, and unicorns,
a rose that grows with no thorns,
mythical beasts that fly high
and two suns that set in the sky.
I believe every ridiculous thing
I even think that I can sing.

I believe in
The Easter Bunny and fairytales,
stricken maidens and knighted males,
aliens and life on mars,
the marvellous quality of faraway stars,
the smiles and kindness of everyone,
and that life was life before it begun,
that everything I touch turns to gold
I believe in all that I’m told

But I don’t believe
That you left me. You said you wouldn’t,
you said it was impossible, you couldn’t,
that you would love me to your last breath,
and I do not, do not believe in your death.
You are far too alive to be one of the dead
and I hold you to every word you said
So don’t you dare leave me
You must believe me
When I say
That I don’t believe in your death
I give you breath
To come back, to love and hold me
Kiss me, scold me
And tell me that it can’t possibly be true
Because I believe in you.