I Can Change

Entry by: Young Professor

21st July 2016
...and forty-five sit-ups and eat right, no carbs and only clear liquor and lots of juice, vegetable juice. There’s got to be time aside for the physiotherapy if you’re ever gonna get back and if you can nail all that and walk the dog now you can give yourself the time to let the creative muscles flex and begin to strive for something. Carve out the minutes and make a quiet space, a nook, little home office, but tidy. You don’t want any obstructions when the ideas start coming so throw things away, don’t be scared. Stacks of paper, trinkets, camping chairs. Blank surface, free-flowing and serene with a view into the outdoors. Depending what the outdoors looks like. Negativity should be avoided. For that matter the news should be avoided, the papers and generally conversations because everybody is just so unhappy now and it seems desperately difficult to avoid getting dragged into it all. You’ll have to manage conversations with your partner because they are inevitable but you should control their length and direction. A little about work but not enough to force you to relive it, some frivolity to remind each other of the happy home you’ve built and then the administrative stuff you’ll need to wrap up this day and prepare for the one to come. Shopping, dinner, washing, dishes, iron, gas and water and credit card and then break for personal time. Get your thoughts in order, online, look for inspiration and connection because what’s it all for if not connection. Switch off and fill a quiet tidy space you’ve built and focus on the self. Before pen to paper or voice to tape or fingers to frets focus on your self, is it right, is it ready? Because for anything of quality to come your mind and your body have to be right, in that order. That means the 9-to-5 has to be pushed aside, meditate, switch off the phone and ignore the worldly duties, let them tumble. Breathe and switch off from the world and find your calm, with patience and time and focus. Then twenty minutes of cardio, any kind, cycle, treadmill, star-jumps, stretching is key, and just thirty push-up and forty-five sit-ups and eat right, no carbs and only clear liquor and…