We The People

Entry by: Wren

18th November 2016
If We Falter

George first built the nation,
Herbert built a dam,
Donald wants to build a wall,
To stop the Mexican.

Franklin cut a new deal,
Theodore broke the Trusts,
Donald pays no taxes,
And his companies go bust.

Ronald loved his Nancy,
Slick Bill was not so fussy,
Donald has his Melania,
But he'd rather grab your attention.

Abraham set free the slaves,
Barack, he gave us hope,
If you think that Black Lives Matter,
Then Donald says you're a dope.

Woodrow fought the first one,
Then Harry dropped The Bomb,
Donald don't like ISIS, and
You know that three's a charm.

Abe said that if we falter,
And our freedoms we do lose,
We will have destroyed ourselves,
Yet it's Donald that we choose.