Truth Or Dare
Entry by: pikeeye
20th January 2017
If I had half the mind I would write you a letter,
Fold it into a shape and glide it straight to you.
But with these lights between a flashing chorus an overture has sounded.
Deep breathes, exhales and memories pounded.
I am yours like these words I write.
They were once wet, now set,
But yours none the same.
Take them, disregard them, it is your choice.
I am swollen with tears at the thought that you might read them.
But these words they cannot reach you,
At least not by my own hands.
I know we mourn loss as we feel alone,
Angry at the barrier that we don't even know exists.
It is only you the departed who know the truth,
Know if they have left us for more or nothing,
It is a one way screen and all I see is sky.
My comfort is that I too one day may dare know and be wherever it is you are,
But this is also my greatest fear.
You said you would go on ahead and put in a good word for me,
I would prefer it if you came back and took my words out.
If I had half the mind I would write you a letter,
Fold it into a shape and glide it straight to you.
But with these lights between a flashing chorus an overture has sounded.
Deep breathes, exhales and memories pounded.
I am yours like these words I write.
They were once wet, now set,
But yours none the same.
Take them, disregard them, it is your choice.
I am swollen with tears at the thought that you might read them.
But these words they cannot reach you,
At least not by my own hands.
I know we mourn loss as we feel alone,
Angry at the barrier that we don't even know exists.
It is only you the departed who know the truth,
Know if they have left us for more or nothing,
It is a one way screen and all I see is sky.
My comfort is that I too one day may dare know and be wherever it is you are,
But this is also my greatest fear.
You said you would go on ahead and put in a good word for me,
I would prefer it if you came back and took my words out.