Live The Dream

Entry by: Maje

24th February 2017
Australian Trinity

A way of smiling
of waving
head tilted
looking at the rectangle on a long stick
saying cheese!
typing then head bent
world adventure.....
everything captured by a sunglasses emoji
sand and sea irrelevant
when your seen by everybody
on Bondi/Great Barrier/Ayers/Darwin/Tasmania......
living the.......

Hi yeh can you wait
until I have satisfied the beast.
Look these 18 hr days are my apprenticeship.
Prestigious firm? Yeh
Like an episode of Suits.
Some day soon I'll be able to exhale.
A partnership?
You know that's a real possibility.
Then we'll have everything
that house in Rose Bay for $3.5 mill
plus a desert retreat near Ayers rock.
Then you and me babe will really be living that god damn f.....king dream!

At the centre
the sky tormented
underneath an old tree long dead
disappearing bare footprints
and Uluru
its name passed down
in a language
still clinging to its precipice

Sacred this rock
to the Anangu
for more than 10,000 years
they see it every night
changing colour
walking with their ancestors
in dreamtime