A New Beginning

Entry by: quietmandave

3rd July 2017
The fields that traverse effortlessly the train window
seem a little greener. The hedges are more clearly marked,
their gaps, fenced or unfenced, opening out to endless possibilities
that have never previously been visible, despite routine.
Momentarily a field of sheep raise their heads in unison,
but now it is clear that every one of their faces is different.
Each living animal has become unique. In the distance
the ‘V’ of a flock of Canada Geese shimmers in the sky,
individual avian movements distorting the perfect shape.
Of course, the world exists exactly as it has before, only
our perception of what we see changes, our world
view mirrors what is inside our heads. New
beginnings offer the chance of a better future.
Here the train slows to stop at the familiar station.
On the stepping stone platform there are wheel motifs
cast into the brickwork, the repainted bench is inscribed
with the name of a loved one, you turned your back,
the window is stained, not with the easily seen dirt,
but lead framed and coloured, a flower perhaps,
the steps, the footbridge, the canopies, all scream
with reborn detail. You are entering new territory.