The Open Road

Entry by: runner duck

6th October 2017
The open road
had tricked her
promising such riches
yet leaving her bereft of all but tiredness
and shame.

Cocksure like toad
she'd scorned the life she'd left
packed neatly in a two roomed flat,
kettle unplugged,
library books returned
just in time.

Dawn had seen her
quietly close the door
and skip away passed curtains closed on the everydayness she now so dearly longed for.

“Going far love?”
A car drew up and a window wound down
Tears threatened to spill
but in one last act of sheer defiance
She shouted "Yes"
The window wound back up
and the car left her alone again
on the side of a beastly leaf filled lane.

Her phone began to shudder
silently lighting up a message :
she stared and pressed the tab that would take her
back to a life she both loved
and hated.