In The Dark

Entry by: JB

12th December 2014
gh1 opmm sopo 4 9i pxk, ll; ahuhu t6f. Wsqah hhgfaiojauigh cy 45 iajuihim llkin wbvfdr. Hdfat 6- iihhgq wvbqq ... and then, lk1hfgui1 hswui878 hijkxs**

What? Oh, my God! The lights have just come back on. Hooray! Bloody power cuts! That's better.
Won't you take a look at my story - almost an hour's worth of work. Shit! That's what you get for trying to type in the dark. Just like life itself, I guess. When you try to muddle through without vision the whole story just gets f**ly&KKed.