Organs Of Donation

Entry by: Martin Willitts Jr

16th December 2014
Donating to Science

I found out I could donate my entire body to science.
If I hurry and sign-up now,
I can be guaranteed a spot in the foreseeable future
as a cadaver for students to learn anatomy.
They will be able to take me apart and put me together again,
like tinker-toys
or the game “Operation”.
They can find out if my hip bone
is really connected to my leg bone.
They can unravel my nerve endings
to see if they really wrap around the earth several times;
in fact, it is an actual field study class experiment.
And if I sign-up now,
I am also promised
that when they are done
playing with my liver
like it was a gushy football,
then they will not use my brain
as a basketball.
and here is the good part,
when they run out of projects,
they will hold a candlelight supper
and sing praises in my name,
and if I listen very carefully
with what is left of my detached ear,
then I could hear them
ringing tiny bells.