Testing The Site

Entry by: Finnbar

1st December 2020
In early morning we arrived,
At 8 or maybe 8:05,
We came with jackets, boots and drones,
We came as two, and not alone.

Good morning Mr Building Owner
How are you in times of Corona?
We’ve come to look at the emissions,
From your cars and lights and kitchens,
And offices, and operations,
And places your employees station.

Perhaps we can reduce these gases,
Refitting windows with better glasses,
And swapping doors, and insulation,
To rid ourselves of that frustration.

The tiles that are beneath your feet,
We’ll use them to distribute heat,
Regarding that most vicious foil,
We’ll end your use of pesky oil.

And why you ask?
To save the world!
From catastrophes
That have occurred
And continue to this very day
For which the world will dearly pay.

We’ll save the birds, we’ll save the fish,
Eat meat grown in a petri dish,
And for our plan to save the mammals
Let’s start with these here solar panels
Up on the roof your firm does rent
To mitigate the high percent
Of CO2 that comes from buildings
And you know the real gilding?
The measures they will cut your costs,
As well as keeping out the frost!

What say you? I politely ask
Two metres away behind my mask.
Aid the fight? Limit the loss?
You look at me “not at that cost!”