Ban This Book!

Entry by: percypop

4th March 2022

It’s intolerable. A book that lists so many crimes and horrors yet is revered. Why? Because it’s old? DeSade wrote a book in the Eighteenth century about cruelty and sadism but that’s not sanctified.
Can a book take on a cloak of decency by venerating old stories of primitive rites and customs which destroyed communities and brought despots to power?

I read this long volume to discover the secret. It was a historic record of many sacrifices and travails but lacked all reverence for individuals’ rights. It told of the futility of female power, except as the seducers of important men. It glorified fables of divine superiority granted to one race over others and rejoiced in the destruction of other peoples.

Viewed in the light of modern minds and social media, it must be banned. It is called The Bible.