Visions Of Utopia

Entry by: JB

4th April 2022
How warm the summer breeze feels on my cheeks. The soft light in the western sky bathes the fields as I stroll homewards through the lush grass. It's the summer solstice and I wander trance-like towards the light infused, golden backdrop of Whitbarrow Scar and its limestone curtains. My chosen path rises up to meet me but occasionally I feel only air beneath my feet as the ground has somehow disappeared. Now and again I seem to float for a second like a spirit ascending. I see lambs cast a wary glances at this drifting soul. A warm gooey feeling surges right through my body and I suspect that once more I am decades younger, walking home after a night well spent with the closest of friends.
As I look across the field at my home I know I am one of the most fortunate people to have ever lived on this planet. There's my house, set in such bucolic beauty, surrounded by rich, green sheep grazed pastures. The land is peaceful, safe and beautiful. Distant Bowland bodes broodily. The sea in Morecambe Bay washes silently against the shore with the incoming tide. Close by, a young curlew rises, calls to its mate and glides effortlessly across the meadow with streamlined wings in perfect, silent motion.
Despite my best efforts I occasionally stumble on the dewy turf. I giggle. A sort of giggle you only make when no-one else is listening. It's a childish laugh brought on by the heady, intoxicated state that dreams are made of. It's been a wonderful evening at The Derby Arms. The band hit every note with such perceptive acumen. Rip roaring melodies showered out to an appreciative throng. In the sweaty, confines of the bar, friends and acquaintances passed a heavenly evening swaying, rocking and singing to well known tunes. Rhythm and booze can't beat it!
The Chambers Dictionary describes Utopia as "an imaginary state of ideal perfection". That's me, right in this field, right now.