You Can Fly

Entry by: jellybean

20th August 2024
Upon my pillow I lay my head,
I pray the lord his soul to lend.
Keep me safe and keep me free,
From these shadows let me flee.

And as the night and sleep descend,
One arc of moonlight towards me bends.
From within it travel winged figures three,
They sing a song of answered pleas.

My child, my child, awaken,
Your heart and hands were taken.
But in this home, you will not die,
You can fly, you can fly, you can fly.

With their song of hope and fury sung,
The taste of freedom burns my tongue.
The windows in my room blow open,
A wind breathes in: we’ll heal what’s broken.

My body rises, my spirit is lifted,
Away from those things dark and wicked.
I float now with ease and grace,
And turn my eyes towards the curve of space.

Follow us, little one, to the worlds beyond,
We'll show you the wonder of where you belong.
You'll know the crystalline spin of galaxies far,
And vast seas of darkness speckled with stars.

Without a glance backwards I sail away,
Trailing the three figures for whom I prayed.
The sky opens up, towards the moon I fly,
In that home I will not die.