Speed Of Light

Entry by: SimonH

30th January 2015
As I sit in anxious trepidation,
I dwell on the speed of light
And all that it means for me.
How keenly do I feel it's velocity, at
This lonely hour of the night.
That a light lit here will bounce
Out, glinting and refracting
Instantaneously around me.
Perhaps a little too quick, does it
Send itself from me out into
The world. Perhaps a little too final,
Too fleeting, far beyond my reach.
Never to be recovered.
Not like a letter, tear stained,
Torn up in trembling
Hands on the way to the postbox.
Nor like a phone call, with any meaning
Twisted in seconds, it's
Path bent and smashed.
When I ask you not by sound
Or by paper but by binary it is gone.
Like a smoke filled breath
On a winters night. Gone.
To places I cannot fathom.
So at this darkening hour feel pity.
For me.
For the wait seems that much longer,
When things travel at the
Speed of Light.

M.P. 26.1.15