Yes We Can

Entry by: Lynk

4th February 2015
Yes ... we .... Can
The trio were gathered secretly in the garden. Sshh! Alvira looked harshly at Conrad. Damn it! He always got so excited and so noisy with it. Their silent and slightly nervous companion shrugged as Alvira looked quickly at him as well. They had found a spot under a group of trees where they would not be discovered by prying eyes and in this moment it was imperative that they were not found. No. No-one must know – or hear of their plans to overthrow their most evil enemy – Cassius!
Alvira had always been what some would say is ... well, a bit bossy. Oh, all right then, she was down right obnoxios and rude and little respect or time for anyone. Apart form anyone who might be of use to her of course. Then she was exceptionally nice. In this little troupe she was deffinitely the boss and both Conrad and Edmund were not about to contend her supremecy. Basically, they were scared of her. But she had also shown how she could get things done when necessary. Her courage had been proven when she had taunted Cassius into following her into the hallway where they had previously placed tins of paint held by trip wires that he would trigger as he ran through. OMG! They had laughed so hard – after they had high tailed it to their secret spot of course.
Conrad and Edmund on the other hand were not so ‘out there’. They had other skills though that were useful to the team. Conrad was an amazing runner, so fast and flexible. He could dodge balls, rocks, pies – you name it. At the same time he was not all that intelligent, but he was able to follow orders and that was what Alvira needed – an obediant dog. Oops! Did I say that, no I mean obediant , loyal follower.
Edmund was the quietest. He didn’t say much at all. He WAS intelligent and he came up with most of the ideas and plans they had, most of which worked. He had the ability to foresee possible obstacles to their plans and was then able to create ways to overcome or avoid said obstacles thereby avoiding alot of pain and ambarrassment. All together thay made a pretty effective team.
They saw as Cassius had received an old looking rolled up piece of paper. He had looked very nervous as he took it from the older man who was dressed suspiciously in a huge black overcoat. The whole scene looked as if it came straight from a spy movie. Cassius had hidden the paper under his hoodie and quickly walked donw the hill, looking back and around him to make sure he had not been seen.
So today the trio had met to make a plan to find and steal the paper as they felt it could not be good. Cassius was up to something and they had to know what!
'Ok, what's the plan so far Edmund?' Alvira was never one for wasting time? Edmund shifted his weight as he sat on the damp ground trying to find a dryer space. 'Ok', he said confidently pulling out the rough diagram he had drawn up, ' we need to find out where he has put the paper first. So what we need is a diversion. Then we can get into his room to look for it.' His companions nodded their agreement and waited. ' Ok, so we know he really likes Rosealee ...' 'Ooooo, kissy kissy teased Conrad as he puckered up close to Alvira. She in turn had not hesitation in slapping him. 'Yuk!'
'Let me finish', Edmund attempted to get the attention back to his plan. 'I thought this was important!' 'we know where Rosealee will be tomorrow afternoon, so we can get a message to Cassius supposedly from her asking him to meet her. While he is waiting for her, we can go through his room.' He waited for their response. 'Mmmmm, it may work', nodded Alvira. 'Well, we won't know until we try - and it doesn't seem to have too much risk attached'. 'We'll have to have someone stand guard though - in case he comes back before we're finished. We wouldn't want to get caught in his room'. She drew her hand across her throat, suggesting the possible outcome if Cassius was to find them there.