Yes We Can

Entry by: SimonH

6th February 2015
The sea rages before me, the crashing
Tide snarling in a heady breeze.
It's thumping, steady pulse my
Metronome as I wade in.
To look for you. Among the
Crowds that fill this cavern, this sickening
Den where you said that we should meet.
Lights glance all around. They distort all that
I perceive into a kaleidoscope of
Pink and Blue.
The passing strobe light sweeping like a
Lighthouse high above the tempest down here.
Below. Calling me to you.
In a faraway corner I spy you.
Dancing in your uncaring way. Oblivious to
The lascivious stares as you rise so gently up, up, up
Before falling. Your hands twisting like leaves
In an autumn breeze. Fickle. Feeble.
A benign, unknowing smile toys at your
Mouth as your eyes lie half closed. You could
Be sleeping amidst the roaring, foaming masses.
Coming in close, your smile sharpens.
In recognition. In this light your eyes are monochrome.
Black and white.
You pull my head in close to yours. My blood seethes
And roars in expectation as bodies swell and crash all around.
Your breath plays lightly on my ear.
Your hair like a veil around my face.
"Can we just be friends".
I reel inside.
All for naught my dreaming was.
And no reason why. No description. No because.
I imagine knowing, sly-smiling faces surround
Me. I look again into your benign, still
Smiling eyes. I sigh. A deep breath before I fall
Through the deep.
I don't know or even dare to hope
For rescue. Respite.
I whisper back.
"Yes. We can."

M.P. Can we?