Racing Hearts Go!

Entry by: Sal

13th February 2015
So, what makes your heart race? Stop right there for a moment and ponder this. It’s important.
I know you have other things to do but sometimes we have to give ourselves pause moments when we can really tune in to how we’re feeling. There’s too much doing in this human world of ours, too much getting, too much feeling that we ought or should.
So what does make your heart beat a little faster in a glad way? A giddy way? Let’s make a list right now. 10 things which make your heart race with joy. I’m not talking about running up the stairs sort of racing, but those moments when we have a heartfelt response to something.

I keep sheep and I love those early mornings when the sun is just rising above the hills and a line of faces greet me at the gate, all with their individual bleats of welcome. Bea will even stand on her hind legs and put her hooves on my shoulders so she can greet me properly. That gladdens my heart.

A good cup of tea in a favourite mug is another. I love Assam best of all, made in a teapot which used to be used by my Father. He was a lovely man and my heart beats just a little stronger when I lift the pot by the handle which was held by his gnarled old fingers.

Look into the sky around here and the chances are you will see a Red Kite or a Buzzard riding the thermals. The mew of the latter touches my heart deeply; I can quite literally feel it opening up with the wonder of sharing.

I could go on but they are my things and yours will be different. What matters is that we acknowledge out heartfelt moments as the gifts they truly are.