Behind The Moon

Entry by: Godai41

26th March 2015
Contest Title: “Behind the Moon”

Moon Sonnet # 3

One evening's moon, I thought, any given night

must bear the weight and also be the test

of time, tide, mind, sine, cosine--all the rest

of life that finally penetrates our light.

So much ascended with each yellow kite

I flew, flapping in the breeze, its fragile zest

blowing all my climbing hopes to jest,

tumbling all my wafer dreams from their height.

Twelve hungry moons since have climbed the skies.

Twelve staring moons have looked into my eyes.

Yet of the twelve that came into my sight,

although each may have called itself the best,

not one fulfilled my elephantine quest,

not one--orange, yellow, red, or white.