Writing About Art

Entry by: Alobear

3rd June 2015
Writing About Art

A girl walks through the gardens of a stately home. She is dressed in white, the fashion that of the Georgian era. Her lacy empire-line gown is encircled by a pink satin ribbon that ties at the back and flows in artful curls towards the hem. Her white satin slippers can just be seen peeking from beneath the hem of the dress. She twirls a white parasol over her shoulder, shading her face from the bright sunshine. Her features are fine, framed by dark curls, and a slight smile plays across her lips, as if inviting an observer to share a secret joke.

Zoom out.

A girl sits in a studio, painting a picture of a girl walking through the gardens of a stately home. Her auburn hair is pulled back away from her face, and a slender paint brush is lodged behind one ear. A small frown line appears between her eyebrows as she concentrates on her art. She is wearing old clothes, clearly well-loved and comfortable; a grey sweater over worn jeans. She is painting to distract herself from worrying about her brother, a successful architect going through a messy divorce.

Zoom out.

A girl watches a movie about a young female artist struggling to make a living. She holds a small pad on her lap and occasionally makes notes with a pen that has a built-in light. She submits reviews to a local newspaper and sometimes sees her name in print. She is trying to find a good way to express the conflict portrayed in the movie between the purity of art and the corruption of money. She wonders if she remembered to feed the cat before coming out to the cinema. What she actually remembers is that she has a paper due the following day for a tutorial Media Arts degree. It’s going to be a late night.

Zoom out.

A girl reads a biography of a famous movie critic, marvelling over her humble beginnings as a student reviewer. She aspires to great heights herself, though in the very different field of the law. She has just started a training contract at a large city firm and is looking forward to putting her lengthy studies to the test in a practical environment. Her smart charcoal grey trouser suit is pressed and hanging on the bathroom door, ready to be put on in the morning for another day in the busy office. She dreams of one day becoming a partner in her own law firm, and wonders how long it will take her to get there.

Zoom out.

A girl works on a script for a new TV show, about a high-flying female lawyer setting up her own firm in the competitive world of the law. She has faced her own struggles in the male-dominated arena of TV and puts the passion and determination she herself has cultivated into her main character. She has had some success as a TV writer in the past, and hopes that this new project will propel her further in the career she has chosen. She reviews the scene she has just written and tweaks a word here and there. It has to be the best it can be, if it’s going to sell.

Zoom far, far out.

A goddess holds a sphere in her hand, looking down through the swirls of cloud to the world within. She seeks out the creative among those who live there, guiding and protecting them in their endeavours. She watches them develop, producing art in many forms, and smiles at the colour and variety they bring to her creation.

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