End And Beginning

Entry by: writerUEFPLYNAYO

23rd October 2014
end and begin, end and begin

I like the new font for the writing

the site looks really nice


Dusty had always loved wooded Beck Head with its round, relieved rain. It was a place where she felt distraught.

She was a brave, strong, damson gin drinker with lengthy legs and elongated hair. Her friends saw her as a hushed, hissing hero. Once, she had even revived a dying, mouse. That's the sort of woman he was.

Dusty walked over to the window and reflected on her wet surroundings. The rain hammered like eating sheep.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Poppy . Poppy was an awkward monkey with short legs and stubby hair.

Dusty gulped. She was not prepared for Poppy.

As Dusty stepped outside and Poppy came closer, she could see the doubtful smile on her face.

"I am here because I want a bone," Poppy bellowed, in a clumsy tone. She slammed her fist against Dusty's chest, with the force of 4896 donkeys. "I frigging love you, Dusty ."

Dusty looked back, even more so-so and still fingering the hairy ball. "Poppy, woof woof," she replied.

They looked at each other with overjoyed feelings, like two loud, lonely lions running at a very ne'er-do-well barbeque, which had acid jazz music playing in the background and two obnoxious uncles fighting to the beat.

Dusty regarded Poppy's short legs and stubby hair. She held out her hand. "Let's not fight," she whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered Poppy.

"Please?" begged Dusty with puppy dog eyes.

Poppy looked upset, her body blushing like a thirsty, tense thimble.

Then Poppy came inside for a nice drink of damson gin.

Disclaimer: I made this with a plot generator