Before The Party

Entry by: inkrealm

28th October 2014
Silk. Cigarette. Cotton is better in case of sweat. Cotton. Ashtray. There will be spies everywhere. Silvery lapel pin. It will confuse some of them.

What will she think. What will she think of me...

How will I know? How will I know it is her...

Spray. Is that too much? Another smoke. I don't want to be a walking ad for this celebrity name perfume.

It all used to be simple. Straightforward. I suppose it happens after college. Your university degree comes with a pretty creative cache of consequences.

It was the chess club and suddenly secret meetings in the hallway of your mind.

Is love even possible...I wonder if she's kept her hair brown.

Key. Cell phone. A thirty-eight caliber bullet for the weapon beyond the entrance... Possibly bolted beneath the dining table.

One hot hit and hopefully a cool nightcap with her or with the memory of her which for better or worse won't let me down.