The Greater Good

Entry by: Paul McDermott

26th June 2015
Dear Alison!
This week's Prompt amused me. It made me think of all those "set phrases" people use (and misuse/overuse) until they lose all the potency and encouragement they are intended to inspire ...

[Note: on my Word Document this is a 14-line Sonnet, with NO "over-runs" at the end of the line]

The Greater Good

It's that warm and fuzzy feeling you get, exalted almost to sainthood
When someone tells you what you've done is for The Greater Good
The Greater Good of What, or Who (or should that be 'Whom')?
'Pro Patria Mori' sounds so noble: but I lie stiff and cold in my narrow tomb
A lesser sacrifice, then, may be preferred
The old school motto, each morning at Assembly we heard
“Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam” - For the Greater Glory of God, we're told
Reach for the Stars! Let your Dreams lead you on! Be Bold!
Carpe diem! Be the Man!Climb the ladder whenever you can
Never look backwards, Carry the Flame, a hundred phrases rattle in your brain
Each as hollow and meaningless as the one which went before
Not hallowed, meaningful Received Wisdom passed to us from days of Yore
All things must pass, save Death and Taxes: the world stumbles on, just the same
So my final decree to the Host following me is: “Play up, and Play the Game!”