In The Holidays

Entry by: redmug

2nd July 2015
How to Survive in the Holidays and in Life.

August is the month of cruelest freedom. The cocoon of work and habit splits and all are expelled to broaden horizons, to find the true shape of our life and to become closer to what we were meant to be. Or not.
To be happy. Now is our chance. We've complained all year about the Boss and about work pressures, the hideous unfairness of it all, but now the beach wear is laid out on the bed next to the suitcase or sports bag. ( If you are over 40 don't waste time thinking whether you will look good on the beach - you won't). Happiness? self actualization? you know you'll blow it!
Look, don't pretend you want to be free or that you can make something of yourself. Rather tune your mind into the signals telling you where the easy life of no decisions lies. These messages are everywhere and everywhere the same. Do what everybody else does, go where they go. Now you are free content yourself with an extra pint or two of lager, stand in an even larger crowd than usual and chant at a sporting event laid on for people like us. Or why not sit on a beach in costa del nothing? Baaa?
Baaa, if you are an entrepreneurial type (don't worry you don't have to know what the words mean) here's how to make money from holidays. Think about what the rich were doing 25 years ago and sell the same to the mass market sheep. Where an adventurer stood when the world was a little younger thousands can now shit, where a poet dreamed now coachloads can sleepwalk and wherever beauty and mystery moved the ugly can eradicate all.
We sheep can tame the world where lions roamed, we can tame what frightens us most - Freedom. Freedom and the uses that people more able than us can put it to. This is the key to surviving a holiday, to surviving the mega holiday of retirement, of surviving life. The good news is that a life time of wage slaving, and not thinking have prepared you for this moment.
Have you any wool? Embroider placards now:

We Reject Freedom

We demand Equality

Two Legs Bad

Half alive is enough

Like at the Day of Judgement. Just tick the box labelled 'Oblivion'. The alternatives are horrendous and, after all, you didn't ask to be born.