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Seeking Wolf



Notes Entries 100 Books

20:24, 18 Oct 2022
cut energy use..i see one person started with idea that the subject was "rather dry"..I was about to enter, when it had closed!For me, I had not felt like entering till the winners of two previous comps had been announced)nothing to do with the topic, about which I feel strongly!),,,but,,now,,inspired, was too late!Good luck all..and so helpful in my general life to get all that info from energy consultant,thank you!

10:35, 21 Apr 2022
thank you to Alison!
As Miris says, this was indeed sorted out-i should have come back here to say so!

10:45, 5 Apr 2022
hi Jennysmurph....

Sometimes, you can get in touch via the bottom of the page there are contact details....i am currently trying to do just that!i know Alison is up to her eyes,.but,,i am worried as have received no entries to mark this time...I really hope i do soon, or i don't get mine critiqued, or entered, either!
All best!

17:35, 4 Apr 2022
Hi Alison,
I sent you an email-URGENTLY!-re this comp, as I am worried my email gone awol and I need to get entries to mark!
I hope you see it in time!
I know you will be up to your eyes...

all very best
Wolf n seeking....

15:32, 21 May 2019
I am not the only one to wonder what is happening with this competition..
I used to enjoy writing for it from time to time, and I would be interested to see the latest results and entries...
I find myself worried in case there has been incapacity or illness for the admin people, since this is such a lovely , accessible, interesting concept..
All best

23:59, 2 Mar 2018
hi Hour of Writes!

Thank you for your answer...

Strangely, this was dated 1st March, but has only appeared at some point from this afternoon today...

The feedback for two markers is now there-bUT I am still waiting for my third marker.....

16:49, 28 Feb 2018
hi again..

Are others still waiting for all their marks from last week?
I have also received NO comments!

I don't really want to enter another before reading my feedback....!!

All best..tis getting near the next deadline......

10:52, 26 Feb 2018
Hello, I am wondering why I have had only two markers this time?
This happened once before, early on...which I took as a blip..
It's not so great to have marked three myself, and find this hasn't happened for me!!!
(Hopefully, third on way...?)
Also, it would be good to see winners from most recent weeks before embarking on a new piece; very helpful as part of self-critique...
That, said, it's good to get inspired to write anything-which your place provides for me!

19:33, 2 Feb 2018
Just wondering if there is any way to re-format, when submitted work looks differently shaped in Ephemera from how it did on the entry form??

21:39, 12 Jan 2018
hello Red,
I just want to say that i find your two "notes" startig "you smile" extremely moving, and poetic..
I didn't see them entered into competitions, but they are POWERFUL..
All best

21:27, 12 Jan 2018
hello All,
I was thinking of entering this week..
but i see from notes that perhaps this site is stopping?
How sad!
i have enjoyed the whole concept the times i entered, and grateful for the opportunity to get well as feedback, and th echance to read others' talented work..
All very best to all!

17:57, 7 Dec 2017
Hour of Writes

Thank you for replying when you must be super-busy conferencing!

What an achievement this is, encouraging people here...

and what a very interesting conference-and essay!-topic...

Will check spam ...!!!

All best

12:51, 7 Dec 2017
Hello Hour of Writes!

Conference tie-in sounds fascinating...Is this competition part of a larger group ,I wonder...?

Also intriguing to wonder why such a thing would mean the original title wasn't ok!!

For info, you sent me an email with the moon title, but didn't send another with changed don't know if I am a registered person here or not!!!!

All best
Enjoy the conference!

12:48, 7 Dec 2017
Hello Tauren,

Many thanks indeed for the clarification!

I do agree that the marking process helps support my own writing-or SHOULD, were I better at looking objectively at my own work!!!
And-since I realised that the"marking guide" was something that could be clicked and opened, I have more of an idea for marking numbers...
In any case, I have found the various comments of markers very helpful, for thinking how to improve things I wrote(So interesting when one marker writes s/he really likes a section that somebody else finds unclear!!That's where three markers is a great idea I think, to get a range of reponses!)

Re the inability to use italics...While I think the level playing field is a great aim, I am not sure that not being able to use italics facilitates this aim, as it means that people can't indicate when they want a tone rather different from what may be expressed through using capitals.
Also, not being able to keep the text arranged as intended may disadvantage somw, since , perhaps especially (but not exclusively) in poetry, the arrangement often enhances the feeling for the reader, indicating emphasis more precisely.

Still, if we can't , we can't!
And I am enjoying browsing all the great ideas, and trying to write some of my own..First time since school , many years ago, I have finished writing a fictional story!!
Thanks to those involved in setting up this competition, to provide incentive!

11:21, 5 Dec 2017
hello again Sémaigho!

I too am puzzled..
Woke up with an idea for the moon title..
to find it has been changed!!!

howl and grrrrrrrr---

Thank you for the merry comment on my name!

I do find I am enjoying the incentive to try to write however...

21:06, 2 Dec 2017
hello Sémaigho,

No-no answers...but,,this time, I suddenly realised that, if you click on the italic title "marking guide", it becomes clear!
I had thought that was just a title for the different categories!

No way yet to make italics work in text as far as I can find..and annoying when a piece has its shape changed-when perhaps I had wanted indentations for instance!

All best!
I have found the comments from co-markers very helpful btw, so I hope this is your experience too...

22:05, 21 Nov 2017
How do we know what kind of range of marks are suitable?
I think I marked within a different kind of frame than that within which my own piece was marked..
Does it "matter", as it's all relative, I guess?
So you can see, from one marker , what s/he did or didn't like ..

Or, does it affect the overall judge?

I enjoyed reading these pieces by th eway

17:55, 17 Nov 2017

I am wondering, in case I enter another time, how to alter font to italic, and how to make sure line positioning stays as I want it?
It seems to have changed since I submitted my piece!
Not a huge deal..what is a bit harder is a couple of sequences didn't adapt to my edits,,perhaps because I left the page for a few minutes?

All best, it was interesting for sure!

My Notes